miercuri, 27 iulie 2016

Cele mai bune camere spion din Romania

Daca inainte vedeam anumite gadgeturi doar in filmele cu spioni, astazi, toata aceasta tehnologie este disponibila tuturor cu preturi accesibile. Una dintre cea mai cautata inventie este camera spion, ce poate inregistra, stoca si chiar trimite in timp real imaginile catre proprietar. Tehnologia a avansat, iar aceste camere se regasesc pe piata sub diverse forme, de la cele clasice, pana la cele minuscule, ascunse in chei de masina, pixuri, ochelari, stick-uri sau ornamente pentru camera. Din fericire, pentru doritori, toate aceste produse se gasesc la preturi pentru buzunarul fiecaruia si pot fi comandate de pe internet, fiind foarte usor de utilizat.
Camera pix
Cea mai interesanta si cautata camera de spionat este cea ascunsa intr-un pix fiind extrem de mica, astfel insesizabila pentru cei din jur. In functie de pret, aceste obiecte pot indeplini mai multe functii,video simple sau audio si video. De cele mai multe ori, rezolutia camerei este de 8 MP, iar cardul montat sub camera foto poate fi de pana la 64 de GB. In Romania, aceste pixuri cu camere spion se pot gasi atat in magazine de specialitate, cat si pe internet. Pentru un astfel de produs pretul nu este mare si incepe de la circa 100 de lei.
Camera tip ceas desteptator
Daca va doriti camere spion ascunse intr-un obiect din casa, ceasul desteptator este o alegere perfecta. Deoarece spatiul este mai mare fata de cel in cazul pixului, camera este mult mai performanta, fiind posibila filmarea si inregistrarea noaptea sau pe lumina slaba. In plus, spre deosebire de camera pix, nu exista posibilitatea ca filmarea sa nu fie clara din cauza miscarii. Pe langa aceste lucruri, un alt avantaj este acela ca acumulatorii pot fi incarcati la priza si astfel de evita descarcarea. Majoritatea ceasurilor desteptatoare de acest tip vin echipate si cu un ecran unde se pot vizualiza inregistrarile.

sâmbătă, 2 iulie 2016

Best real estate virtual tour software

I am workiing in a company that relies a lot on working with images, pictures of all kinds and of course, when working with images, the picture quality is alwaus very important. This is why we are using cutting edge software and another reason that we are doing that is that we cannot afford to loose much time with software that does not work properly, or on software that has poor support.

Now, in this industry - and I mean the real estate industry there are a lot of money, which means that also the technology has to move very fast in order for us to be able to keep the pace with our competition, that has more loyal customers (may be I forgot to tell you, but we are a pretty new company, that managed to develop quite well in the last 5 years) but if we look at our competitors, those are real dinosaurs, with more than 50 or in some cases 100 years of presence in this local market.

So we had to bring some very nice features on the table to be able to compete with them and this is the reason that made our software strategy a most crucial one, as in the face of our customers we needed a clear advantage at least in ana rea.

And I am going to only give you one example related to a certain software solution that we are using in order to improve our performance regarding what we are delivering to our clients, and this would be the virtual tour software -> Tour Wizard - that simply putted is the best solution of his kind on the market, very flexible, with great supoprt and very easy to use even for non specialist people or with people that are not so well accustomed with the IT technology.